Sunday, December 16, 2007

snow and them and me

I hope Oh Mar and San Win got shoes to get through the harsh winters here.
And so did Mar Met and his wife and his little kids.
It is their first winter here and they have no idea what they are in for. Today, the first big storm hit us.
Sometimes I wonder how it is like for them to see the snow the first time ever in their lives, how would it be to touch it and then watch it fall from the window...and then dread it.

1 comment:

Quasimodo said...

Brilliant writing, I am glad to see that see someone in our region writing about positives and real life struggles. Rather than the typical rhetoric of bashing the area and anything it may have to offer. Always remember that under that tarnished dull penny is a shining vivid penny. You sometimes just need to rub enough tarnish off to see the beauty.